Terms and Conditions


 We welcome everyone equally and feel all have something to offer and share with us.

Medical Issues
• All medical conditions must be advised to Stephaneez School of Dance prior to the start of the placement and the necessary details must be noted on the registration form. The parent or guardian is responsible for the regular updating of any medical change.
• Please inform the teacher of any injuries before class.
• Any child that requires medication to be taken in to the dance class must have it clearly marked with the child’s name and a parental contact details. Please hand the medication to a member of staff.
• In the unlikely event of your child/adult having to be taken into hospital after an accident/incident every effort will be made to contact you in order that the normal parental consent may be given for treatment.

• In order to ensure there is no misuse of photography at any Stephaneez School of Dance events, every effort will be made to protect and carefully monitor all photographed events, although Stephaneez School of Dance cannot be held responsible for the public use of camera/videos. 
• A completion of Stephaneez School of Dance registration and consent form under the GDPR is compulsory.

• Payment is accepted in the form of cash / cheque or Bank Transfer (BACS) in favour of Stephanie Bradbury.
• Fees are non-refundable.
• All classes are payable per term in advance, which enables Stephaneez School of Dance to guarantee a place. Only in exceptional circumstances, and by prior agreement with the Principal, are term fees negotiable.
• A £12 administration charge applies for late payment. This could then result into the loss of placement.
• As our costs are fixed, fees remain payable in cases of absence. There are no reductions/refunds for sickness or holidays or refunds for cancellation of any classes at Stephaneez or at any after school club for bad weather conditions or any unforseen circumstances. 
• Stephaneez School of Dance reserves the right to change fees or timetable without prior notice. However, we will endeavour to inform parents and carers of any changes as soon as possible.
• Half a term's written notice or payment in lieu is required if you wish to withdraw your child from classes at Stephaneez School of Dance.
• No fee will be returned if a class is cancelled due to inclement weather conditions or any other unforeseen circumstances.
General Information
• Physical contact maybe necessary when helping to demonstrate or correct.
• Children should arrive promptly, appropriately dressed, and attend classes regularly.
• Children under 9 years old are not allowed to leave the studio unless accompanied by an adult.
• It is important to drink fluids at regular intervals during physical exercise, please pack water for your child.
• If a child is causing disruption, they will be asked to leave their lesson.
• If mobile phones or any electrical equipment must be brought into the school, the use of any equipment will not be permitted during class and Stephaneez School of Dance will not be responsible for any loss/broken personal property.
• Stephaneez School of Dance does not accept the responsibility for items lost or stolen although anything we do find will be placed in lost property.

All policies are available to be read.

Children's Classes

All children's classes run from:

Wickham Park Sports Club
228 – 230 Pickhurst Rise
West Wickham
Kent BR4 0AU

View list of classes >

Adult's Classes

Adult's classes run from:

Keston Village Hall
Wickham Park Sports Club
St Mary's Church

View list of classes >